Nissan GZ Autoshow 2018



Guangzhou, CN | 广州

2,380 SQM 平方米

Car Show Design & Interactive Design Concept


設計方案源於日產的NIM(日產智能移動概念), 展台作為城市,城市作為展台用沈浸式的設計來直觀傳達日產技術和汽車與日常生活的各個方面的交織關係。

展位利用不同透明度的牆面和體量,提供不同的視覺層次,3個主建築分別代表早晨,中午,晚上。 設計通過材料,數字媒體和互動元素的組合提供了許多不同經驗和氣氛,以吸引參觀者和娛樂和激發展台觀眾。

Proposal to showcase Nissan Intelligent Mobility (NIM) Concept at Guangzhou Auto Show. A Stage as a City, a City as a Stage setting, to reflect how Nissan technology and automobile intertwine with all aspects of daily life.

The Booth consists of various translucent and semi translucent building blocks, representing Morning, Midday and Evening. The design offers many experiences and moods by using a combination of materials, digital media and interactive elements in order to capture the attention of the Visitors and to entertain and excite the Spectator.